Stella hæc ergo via est, et via Christus: quia secúndum incarnatiónis mystérium Christus est stella...

Today is the 7th day infra Octavam Epiphaniae Domini (or, in the Office prior to Divino afflatu, the 6th: I'm reliably informed that in the older Rite, the Octave "jumped over" the Sunday-- this being a peculiarity of this, the Epiphany, Octave, not a 'rule' for octaves in general). It only occurs to me this morning that I might check to see if this is mentioned in Rubricarius's Tridentine Rite blog at Saint Lawrence Press.

In any event, at Barroux the Mass In excelso throno (the Mass infra Octavam Epiphaniae, re-named that of the 1st Sunday post Epiphaniam in this age of the world in which Pius XII and his unhappy successors have suppressed the use of the octaves) was sung.

The responsorium of the 8th lesson at Matins.

R. Vidéntes stellam Magi, gavísi sunt gáudio magno:
* Et intrántes domum invenérunt púerum cum María matre ejus, et procidéntes adoravérunt eum: * Et apértis thesáuris suis obtulérunt ei múnera, aurum, thus, et myrrham.
V. Stella, quam víderant Magi in Oriénte, antecedébat eos, usque dum véniens staret supra ubi erat puer.
R. Et intrántes domum invenérunt púerum cum María matre ejus, et procidéntes adoravérunt eum:
V. Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
R. Et apértis thesáuris suis obtulérunt ei múnera, aurum, thus, et myrrham.

M le Curé is celebrating Holy Mass at Saint-Eugène; it is likewise In excelso throno, as at Barroux supra.

