Antiphona. Zelus domus tuæ * comédit me, et oppróbria exprobrántium tibi cecidérunt super me.
Am not sure what I'm intending to scribble here. 1300 here is the nominal time for the beginning of Tenebrae; Holy Mass of Feria IVa Maioris Hebdomadae was sung at 1100 and ended about five or six minutes ago so doubtless Tenebrae will begin rather later than the top of the hour.
Tenebrae's livret is here, and there is another which includes the lessons' chant scores (and the Latin texts) from the antique Parisian use attributed to the 16th century 'Sacerdotal de Bournonville'-- about which I'm ignorant but will suppose that this has to do with the composer Jean de Bournonville (ca 1585-1632). The Office of Tenebrae begins at Le Barroux at 2200 here. I haven't decided whether I'll follow it.
Each of the Offices of Tenebrae are comprised of the canonical Hours of Matins and Lauds celebrated together in one service, of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday, solemnly sung on the evenings of Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday; the great Paschal Vigil is of course celebrated on Saturday. There is no invitatory nor are there hymns sung. The lessons of the first nocturns are taken from the Lamentations of the Prophet Jeremias. The second nocturns' lessons are from Tractatus super Psalmos of Saint Augustine, and the lessons of the third nocturns are from the Apostle, from his First Epistle to the Corinthians and then from his Epistle to the Hebrews. Lauds has a special conclusion each of these days: after the psalmody and the Benedictus, the antiphon Christus factus est pro nobis obédiens usque ad mortem is sung Wednesday-for-Holy Thursday (with its second phrase mortem autem crucis added on Thursday-for-Good Friday and the third propter quod et Deus exaltávit illum, et dedit illi nomen quod est super omne nomen on Good Friday-for-Holy Saturday), the Pater Noster added secreto and the Miserere aliquantulum altius, with the oration Réspice, quǽsumus, Dómine completed in silence.
Each of the Offices of Tenebrae are comprised of the canonical Hours of Matins and Lauds celebrated together in one service, of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday, solemnly sung on the evenings of Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday; the great Paschal Vigil is of course celebrated on Saturday. There is no invitatory nor are there hymns sung. The lessons of the first nocturns are taken from the Lamentations of the Prophet Jeremias. The second nocturns' lessons are from Tractatus super Psalmos of Saint Augustine, and the lessons of the third nocturns are from the Apostle, from his First Epistle to the Corinthians and then from his Epistle to the Hebrews. Lauds has a special conclusion each of these days: after the psalmody and the Benedictus, the antiphon Christus factus est pro nobis obédiens usque ad mortem is sung Wednesday-for-Holy Thursday (with its second phrase mortem autem crucis added on Thursday-for-Good Friday and the third propter quod et Deus exaltávit illum, et dedit illi nomen quod est super omne nomen on Good Friday-for-Holy Saturday), the Pater Noster added secreto and the Miserere aliquantulum altius, with the oration Réspice, quǽsumus, Dómine completed in silence.
The responsoria at Matins, I think; after, I will concentrate on the live-stream. When it finishes I will listen to part of Victoria's Officium Hebdomadae Sanctae.
The Schola has a score or more of singers this year and is sounding very good. Am rather cynical, I suppose, but it seems to me that we could go one of two ways: as the entire ensemble proceeds together to Easter Sunday its sound will improve and gain a certain lustre or else today will represent the height and the sound will begin to fray around the edges. This will depend, in part, on what repertory is programmed; it is the third year for the responsoria of Padre Martini, e.g., I think; my recollection is that they were sung in faux-bourdon previously. Hmm.
R. In monte Olivéti orávit ad Patrem: Pater, si fíeri potest, tránseat a me calix iste:* Spíritus quidem promptus est, caro autem infírma.V. Vigiláte, et oráte, ut non intrétis in tentatiónem.R. Spíritus quidem promptus est, caro autem infírma.
R. Tristis est ánima mea usque ad mortem: sustinéte hic, et vigiláte mecum: nunc vidébitis turbam, quæ circúmdabit me:* Vos fugam capiétis, et ego vadam immolári pro vobis.V. Ecce appropínquat hora, et Fílius hóminis tradétur in manus peccatórum.R. Vos fugam capiétis, et ego vadam immolári pro vobis.
R. Ecce vídimus eum non habéntem spéciem, neque decórem: aspéctus ejus in eo non est: hic peccáta nostra portávit, et pro nobis dolet: ipse autem vulnerátus est propter iniquitátes nostras:* Cujus livóre sanáti sumus.V. Vere languóres nostros ipse tulit, et dolóres nostros ipse portávit.R. Cujus livóre sanáti sumus.Gloria Patri omittitur.R. Ecce vídimus eum non habéntem spéciem, neque decórem: aspéctus ejus in eo non est: hic peccáta nostra portávit, et pro nobis dolet: ipse autem vulnerátus est propter iniquitátes nostras: * Cujus livóre sanáti sumus.
R. Amicus meus ósculi me trádidit signo: Quem osculátus fúero, ipse est, tenéte eum: hoc malum fecit signum, qui per ósculum adimplévit homicídium.* Infélix prætermísit prétium sánguinis, et in fine láqueo se suspéndit.V. Bonum erat ei, si natus non fuísset homo ille.R. Infélix prætermísit prétium sánguinis, et in fine láqueo se suspéndit.
R. Judas mercátor péssimus ósculo pétiit Dóminum: ille ut agnus ínnocens non negávit Judæ ósculum:* Denariórum número Christum Judǽis trádidit.V. Mélius illi erat, si natus non fuísset.R. Denariórum número Christum Judǽis trádidit.
R. Unus ex discípulis meis tradet me hódie: Væ illi per quem tradar ego:* Mélius illi erat, si natus non fuísset.V. Qui intíngit mecum manum in parópside, hic me traditúrus est in manus peccatórum.R. Mélius illi erat, si natus non fuísset.Gloria omittiturR. Unus ex discípulis meis tradet me hódie: Væ illi per quem tradar ego: * Mélius illi erat, si natus non fuísset.
R. Eram quasi agnus ínnocens: ductus sum ad immolándum, et nesciébam: consílium fecérunt inimíci mei advérsum me, dicéntes:* Veníte, mittámus lignum in panem ejus, et eradámus eum de terra vivéntium.V. Omnes inimíci mei advérsum me cogitábant mala mihi: verbum iníquum mandavérunt advérsum me, dicéntes.R. Veníte, mittámus lignum in panem ejus, et eradámus eum de terra vivéntium.
R. Una hora non potuístis vigiláre mecum, qui exhortabámini mori pro me?* Vel Judam non vidétis, quómodo non dormit, sed festínat trádere me Judǽis.V. Quid dormítis? súrgite, et oráte, ne intrétis in tentatiónem.R. Vel Judam non vidétis, quómodo non dormit, sed festínat trádere me Judǽis.
R. Senióres pópuli consílium fecérunt,* Ut Jesum dolo tenérent, et occíderent: cum gládiis et fústibus exiérunt tamquam ad latrónem.V. Collegérunt pontífices et pharisǽi concílium.R. Ut Jesum dolo tenérent, et occíderent: cum gládiis et fústibus exiérunt tamquam ad latrónem.Gloria omittiturR. Senióres pópuli consílium fecérunt, * Ut Jesum dolo tenérent, et occíderent: cum gládiis et fústibus exiérunt tamquam ad latrónem.
Christus factus est pro nobis obédiens usque ad mortem.
Pater noster.
Psalmus 50 sine antiphona.
Réspice, quǽsumus, Dómine, super hanc famíliam tuam, pro qua Dóminus noster Jesus Christus non dubitávit mánibus tradi nocéntium, et crucis subíre torméntum: [Et sub silentio concluditur] Qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus, per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
R. Amen.
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