O Regem cæli, cui talia famulántur obsequia: stábulo pónitur, qui cóntinet mundum: jacet in præsépio, et in cælis regnat: natus est nobis hódie Salvator, qui est Christus Dóminus, in civitáte David...
Today is Saturday the 6th day infra Octavam Nativitatis Domini Nostri Iesu Christi, the only one of the Octave days without an occurring feast of one of the Saints. Tomorrow is the feast of Pope Saint Sylvester but also the Sunday within the Octave; I'm not sure how that is worked out in the Liturgy (I'm confident that the Mass will be of the Sunday) but will hunt about before too long; the fact is that it is already after Terce here, and I've had an errand or two to get done: it is, in other words, a late hour for me to be beginning this page, at almost 0930. Am just now waiting for the laptop to finish opening up Barroux's website; Mass infra Octavam-- which yesterday meant Puer natus est nobis and not (as in the Missale Romanum) Dum medium silentium. We shall see after the monks have completed singing Terce.
At Saint-Eugène, it being a Saturday, the Mass was streamed beginning at 0030 i.e. when I was sound asleep, or ought to have been: had in fact been awakened by my importunate bladder issues and hadn't fallen back to sleep when it occurred to me that I could stay awake and turn on the Saint-E. Mass but, eh, I was too comfortable in the arms of Morpheus.
At Barroux, the antiphon at Terce is Génuit puérpera Regem, cui nomen ætérnum, et gáudia matris habens cum virginitátis honóre: nec primam símilem visa est, nec habére sequéntem, allelúja.
I will admit to waiting on discovering which Mass was sung before making my toast. Ah, it is Puer natus est nobis. Since I appear to be in a confessional mood, it is true that I am rather 'off' all the copying and pasting and chattering I ordinarily do here about the Masses of the day. Only temporarily, one trusts.
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