Durandus on the feast of the Apostle Saint Thomas...

Rationale divinorum officiorum 7,41.

Summa 1. Thomae Apostoli officium ecclesiasticum.

1. Historia, seu legenda de sancto Thoma Apostolo, et si quid ex ea in Responsoriis, vel Antiphonis sumptum reperitur, inter apocripha deputatur. In ipso autem festo legitur ad Missam Evangelium: Thomas unus ex duodecim (Ioan. 20).

And the French version of historian etc Charles Barthélemy (1825-1888). 

I. L'histoire ou légende de saint Thomas, apôtre, avec les extraits qu'on en peut trouver dans les répons ou antiennes, est considérée comme apocryphe (17). [I am hunting about the pdf to discover where this note 17 may be found.] En cette fête on lit à la messe l'évangile Thomas, unus ex duodecim (Jean, chap. xx).

I found Barthélemy's Note 17; it doesn't seem to be Durandus's work or, at least, I cannot find it anywhere in the Latin text pdf I have. Ha; the first sentences, on the meaning of the Apostle's name par interprétation, gave away the fact that this text is the Golden Legend on Saint Thomas, apart from very minor alterations etc etc-- so am done with it here.

