Father Thomas Crean OP will be exiled to Lower Patagonia before too much longer...

Noticed Father Crean on Twitter, from yesterday.

Just as priests have to refuse Holy Communion to those in manifest grave sin without waiting for orders from above, so bishops have to withdraw communion from other bishops who profess heresies, without waiting for instructions from the pope.  This is not to cause a schism, but to recognise the schism that the heretical bishops have already caused: every profession of heresy is schismatic. Just as priests have to refuse Holy Communion to those in manifest grave sin without waiting for orders from above, so bishops have to withdraw communion from other bishops who profess heresies, without waiting for instructions from the pope. 

Father Crean suggests that an example of the practice of this would be for Bishop N. to admonish the faithful of his diocese not to receive Holy Communion from priests who remember Bad Bishop A. in the Canon. Hmm. 

It is going to get much more confusing and messy as time goes forward, alas, particularly if Franciscus decides to hear the bishops of Germany and Belgium and then ignores their open avowals of heresy. 

This is why we simple faithful believe the Gospel, hear Holy Mass, pray the Hours, do penance, fast, give alms, do the works of mercy, and be as charitable as we can to those we live amongst. And until the Good Lord grants us in His great mercy a new Pope, this also means we pray for Franciscus as he sits upon the Throne of Saint Peter, however it may be that he has abandoned the teaching office that is his by right. 

