Vespers at Saint-Eugène concluded with...

The commemoration of the feast (tomorrow, on the 16th) of Saint Joachim, father of the Virgin. The Ave maris Stella of Guillaume Dufay.

The antiphon Laudemus virum gloriosum of Saint Joachim's commemoration.

The Litany of the Blessed Virgin begins the procession after Vespers; I wonder which setting of this I can think to find at YouTube.

At the Lady altar, the Sub tuum praesidium is sung before (as I recall) the Voeu de Louis XIII is recited. It is rather long. The Sub tuum praesidium is the most ancient prayer that we know of to the Most Holy Mother of God, being recorded on a slip of papyrus dated as early as the year of Grace 250-- as Father Hunwicke suggests, to imagine that it was 'composed' immediately before being scribbled down is, well, silly. 

The procession finishes (while Psalm 19 is sung "on the royal tone, the French tone of Henri III's time, used at Paris for this Psalm since the beginning of the 17th century, called by the name grâces du Roi") at the high altar with the oration Deus, regum ac regnórum moderátor et custos

Deus, regum ac regnórum moderátor et custos, qui unigénitum Fílium tuum Dóminum nostrum sanctíssimæ Vírgini Matri in terris súbditum esse voluísti, ut in eo nobis exémplum humilitátis et obediéntiæ præsignáres ; † fámuli tui Ludovíci regis christianíssimi vota secúndo favóre proséquere : * ut qui ejúsdem se Vírginis tutélæ devóta sponsióne cónsecrant, perpétuæ in hac vita tranquillitátis, et ætérnæ libertátis in cælo præmia consequántur. Per eúmdem Christum Dóminum nostrum. Amen.

And then Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament is celebrated as it usually is, post Vesperas

The procession has returned to Saint-E. (no video camera following today; I think that the route was a fairly quick 'turn about the block') and the clerics are approaching the altar of Our Lady, the Lady altar as is said. 

M. Groziski is proclaiming the Voeu (I put the text yesterday on another page); it is the custom to kneel, evidently. 

... A ces causes, nous avons déclaré et déclarons que, prenant la très sainte et très glorieuse Vierge pour protectrice spéciale de notre royaume, nous lui consacrons particulièrement notre personne, notre état, notre couronne et nos sujets, la suppliant de nous vouloir inspirer une sainte conduite et défendre avec tant de soin ce royaume contre l'effort de tous ses ennemis, que, soit qu'il souffre le fléau de la guerre, ou jouisse de la douceur de la paix que nous demandons à Dieu de tout notre cœur, il ne sorte point des voies de la grâce qui conduisent à celles de la gloire....

Ave verum Corpus natum de Maria Virgine....

