Signum magnum appáruit in cœlo: múlier amicta sole, et luna sub pédibus ejus...

Today is the feast of Our Lady, 'the feast which is Saint Mary's feast', as the Old English Martyrology has it in Dr Christine Rauer's translation-- her greatest feast, that of her Assumption. Am following the live-stream from Saint-Eugène; it has been a while since I've been up at two a.m. to do this, having decided in late June to say Matins and Lauds in the middle morning, at four or five when I more or less 'naturally' awake instead of in the night as I think I ought to do, eh. A solemn high Mass, appropriately enough. 

Signum magnum is the Mass since the reign of Pius XII, marking the solemn definition of the dogma; formerly the Mass of Sedulius was said. 

Gaudeamus omnes in Domino diem festum celebrantes sub honore beatae Mariae Virginis: de cujus assumptione qaudent, angeli, et collaudant Filium Dei.

I suppose that this morning is not the moment for prosing on about papal liturgical messings-about, which sometimes seem to later generations not a Bad Thing, at least entirely, and are sometimes positively a Bad Thing as anyone can see from the outset. Eh. 

The sequence Induant iustitiam, from the Proper of Paris, is being sung now.

Induant justítiam,
Prædicent lætítiam
Qui ministrant Númini.

It in suam réquiem,
Infert cœlo fáciem
Arca viva Dómini.

CHRISTVM, cum huc vénerat,
Quo mater suscéperat,
Non est venter púrior.

In quo, dum hinc révocat,
Matrem Christus cóllocat,
Thronus non est célsior.

Quae te, Christe, génuit,
Quæ lactentem áluit,
Nunc beátam dícimus.

Immo, quod credíderit,
Quod sibi vilúerit,
Hinc beátam nóvimus.

O præ muliéribus,
Quin & præ cœlítibus,
Benedicta fília.

Hauris unde plénior,
Hoc e fonte crébior
Stillet in nos grátia.

Ad eum ut ádeant,
Per te vota tránseant :
Non fas matrem réjici.

Amet tuam Gálliam,
Regi det justítiam,
Plebi pacem súpplici.

Amen. Alleluia.

The Gospel is taken from the first chapter of Saint Luke, verses 41-50. 

M. Grodziski read from the pastoral letter (or part of it; he said something about the present Archbishop of Paris, Mons Ulrich,  suggesting? that this be done-- my French didn't catch much more than Mons Ulrich's name) of Jules-Géraud Cardinal Saliège on the Assumption; he reigned at Toulouse when Pius XII defined the dogma.

And the Schola will sing Ave, Virgo virginum, the prose of Coutances for all the feasts of the Blessed Virgin, during the incensation of the altar.

Ave, Virgo vírginum,
Spes salútis hóminum,
Mater alma grátiæ.

Ave, sidus rútilum,
Laus & decus órdinum
Cœlestis milítiæ.

O præ muliéribus,
Quin & præ Cœlítibus,
Benedícta Fília !

Hauris unde plénior,
Hoc e fonte crébrior
Stillet in nos grátia.

Ad Deum ut ádeant,
Per te vota tránseant :
Non fas matrem réjici.

Peccátorem líbera,
Justo robur ímpetra,
Plebi fave súpplici.

Tu triumphis inclyta,
Nos rege, nos éxcita
Certántes in ácie.

Quæ benígna díceris,
Affer opem míseris,
In labórem série.

Prótege subsídiis
Quos vides in médiis
Colluctántes flúctibus.

Natis præbe déxteram,
Trahe nos in pátriam,
Junge cœli cívibus. Amen.

After Vespers, the Vow of Louis XIII, placing France under the especial patronage of Our Lady of the Assumption, will, as he established in perpetuity, be renewed. I have to go out because I've been without my medication for a couple of days (not a terrible thing but I do need to go) so will have to watch the video recording, alas. 

The Litany of Our Lady, from the patrimony of Besançon, sung at the procession before the Introit, was lovely and I don't recall having heard it before. The renewal of the Vow of Louis XIII also involves the chanting of the Litany of Our Lady. This is something I never think about except when typing away about the 'Litany' but I wonder why this is conceived to be a plural, litaniae, rather than simply litania

The Magnificat sung at Communion is also lovely, sung in the traditional 17th century harmonisation of Notre-Dame de Paris and used in the renewal of the Vow of Louis XIII.

Have collected my drugs (and taken the pill that I'd been missing for, oh, three or four days) and fussing about with some other nonsense. The video-recording of Holy Mass is here and I'm impelled to take a nap; gosh. 

