Eúntes ergo, docéte omnes gentes, baptizántes eos...

How the week has so quickly passed; gosh. Today, Feria VIa infra Octavam Paschae, Friday within the Paschal Octave, the Gospel records the Lord's command: 'go out therefore and teach all nations, baptising them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost'. The Mass is Eduxit eos Dominus in spe

The Epistle is from Saint Peter (3,18-22).

Caríssimi : Christus semel pro peccátis nostris mórtuus est, iustus pro iniústis, ut nos offérret Deo, mortificátus quidem carne, vivificátus autem spíritu. In quo et his, qui in cárcere erant, spirítibus véniens prædicávit : qui incréduli fúerant aliquándo, quando exspectábant Dei patiéntiam in diébus Noë, cum fabricarétur arca, in qua pauci, id est octo ánimæ salvæ factæ sunt per aquam. Quod et vos nunc símilis formæ salvos facit baptísma : non carnis deposítio sórdium, sed consciéntiæ bonæ interrogátio in Deum per resurrectiónem Iesu Christi, Dómini nostri, qui est in dextera Dei.

The Gradual and Alleluia follow, and then the sequence Victimae paschali laudes.

The Gregorian Victimae paschali laudes, since we are drawing near to the end of the Octave. The Schola's singing of this was particularly lovely this morning.

The Gospel lesson is from the 28th chapter of Saint Matthew's Gospel.

In illo témpore : Undecim discípuli abiérunt in Galilǽam, in montem, ubi constitúerat illis Iesus. Et vidéntes eum adoravérunt : quidam autem dubitavérunt. Et accédens Iesus locútus est eis, dicens : Data est mihi omnis potéstas in cælo et in terra. Eúntes ergo, docéte omnes gentes, baptizántes eos in nómine Patris, et Fílii, et Spíritus Sancti : docentes eos serváre ómnia, quæcúmque mandávi vobis. Et ecce, ego vobíscum sum ómnibus diébus usque ad consummatiónem sǽculi.

The Offertory antiphon.

The Communion antiphon.

Let us see what version of the Regina caeli laetare seems most appealing this morning; this recording is from the Benedictines of Santo Domingo de Silos. 

