The activities, anticks, and nonsense that go on at the Holy See, and haven't since the resignation of Benedictus XVI (or, more precisely, since it became obvious that Franciscus is a handful of trouble), I do keep my eye on the headlines for news of something significantly important.
The after-history of Our Lady's appearances at Fatima is fraught, and brings out the worst in some of the faithful. I belong to a Facebook group of devoted to the Traditional Mass, for example, and there are enthusiasts and others whose writing, on the subject of 'Fatima', reeks of outright superstition-- although I'm happy to presume that in fact it is only the form of the written word that is susceptible to this interpretation and that folks themselves are free of it. Anyway.

The Pope is going to renew the consecration to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart, made by Pope Saint John Paul II [this is arguable, according to some], on the 25th, the great feast of her Annunciation, praying for peace in Ukraine. He has, evidently, asked that all the Bishops of the world join him in doing this [this is another point of contention]. Mons Schneider of Kazakhstan has written the prayer supra to prepare for this event. I'm happy to pray. [Our Lady at Fatima promised the conversion of Russia and an era of peace when the pope, together with the world's bishops, would consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart. The distressing nonsense is all about whether in previous consecrations this or that 'stipulation' of Our Lady in her encounter with the venerable seeress Lucia was or were met; e.g. if Franciscus is simply asking the Bishops to pray, well, when Russia is not converted-- whatever that actually means-- it might be down to his asking rather than instructing... it is all quite byzantine and I stay away from it, apart from praying the Rosary and so forth.]
Friday morning. An example. "While this 'invitation' from Pope Francis to the bishops is obviously not the same as an 'order', which is what Our Lady specified, it is nonetheless a positive sign. Let us keep praying and fasting for the consecration to be done according to Heaven’s specific conditions!"
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