The 40s have indeed happened...

And I have begun to hope that high heat is done with for this season. 47 and still falling, according to the mages; one more degree. Today is the Vigil of the Apostle Saint Bartholomew (Introibo) and the feast of the confessor Saint Philip Benizii (Introibo, CE, Wiki). In the Kalendar of 1960 (what was formerly 'the Extraordinary Form') it is the feast of Saint Philip, the vigils having been suppressed by Pius XII or John XXIII-- I can never keep track of who wrecked what.


Have to make the monthly trip to the late-opening pharmacy this morning in order to replenish my supply of drugs. So Prime soon (it is almost six) and then Terce. Although I should buy more aspirin-substitute there or at the supermarket, too. 

It is also the feast of Saint Zacchaeus (2nd century), of Saint Rosa (17th century), and of Saint Sidonius (1st century).

V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias.

