Dawn is obscured again so presumably it is cloudy...

It's the 10th Sunday post Pentecosten (Introibo), the Mass Dum clamárem ad Dóminum. Am up late this morning, so am listening to the recorded Mass from Saint-Eugène; was sleeping like the dead when the alarm sounded at 0130. Have done with Matins and Lauds finally so here we are. It sounds to me as if the Schola is missing some of its members this morning, ahem, as can only be expected in the summertime. The Ordinary from the Kyriale is Orbis Factor.

Antiphona ad Introitum. Ps. 54, 17, 18, 20 et 23.

Dum clamárem ad Dóminum, exaudívit vocem meam, ab his, qui appropínquant mihi : et humiliávit eos, qui est ante sǽcula et manet in ætérnum : iacta cogitátum tuum in Dómino, et ipse te enútriet.

Ps. ibid., 2.

Exáudi, Deus, oratiónem meam, et ne despéxeris deprecatiónem meam : inténde mihi et exáudi me.

V/.Glória Patri.


It is also the feast of the Apostle Saint Peter ad Vincula (Introibo), which is the patronal feast of Cincinnati's cathedral where they are singing that Mass Nunc scio vere this morning, I hope... well, I know that they aren't, since in that Archdiocese the celebration of the Traditional Mass is limited to the two churches of the Oratory (and to that of the FSSP in Dayton). But perhaps they are decorating the Pauline Rite Mass with the Nunc scio vere before proceeding with songs from various contemporary composers. The choir may sing the Ordinary, of course. I grew up in and lived in the Cincinnati Archdiocese when I became a Catholic in 1976.

And also the feast of the Holy Martyrs the seven brothers and their mother the Maccabees, which I believe must only ever be commemorated because of Saint Peter previously and because of the Sunday after Divino afflatu. Dr Gregory DiPippo comments on the entry in Calendarium Romanum of 1969:

... In the official account of the post-conciliar changes made to the calendar... it is stated that “the memorial of the Holy Maccabees, although it is very ancient and nearly universal, is left to local calendars; until the year 1960, it was kept only as a commemoration on the feast of St Peter’s Chains.” 

It would have been more accurate to say that the feast of the Maccabees was kept as part of the feast of St Peter’s Chains, since the same Roman basilica that houses the chains also keeps directly underneath them, in a crypt under the altar, the relics of these Saints. It not certain when or how exactly these relics came to be in Rome, and it is known that they were venerated at Antioch in the 4th century. Antioch, which was built by Seleucus and named for his father at the very end of the 4th century BC, was severely damaged by a terrible earthquake in 526, and never really recovered from the blow; it is quite possible that the relics were taken to Rome shortly thereafter....

Canon Guelfucci is homilizing. The Gospel is from Saint Luke, 18,9-14.

In illo témpore: Dixit Jesus ad quosdam, qui in se confidébant tamquam justi et aspernabántur céteros, parábolam istam: Duo hómines ascendérunt in templum, ut orárent: unus pharisǽus, et alter publicánus. Pharisǽus stans, hæc apud se orábat: Deus, grátias ago tibi, quia non sum sicut céteri hóminum: raptóres, injústi, adúlteri: velut étiam hic publicánus. Jejúno bis in sábbato: décimas do ómnium, quæ possídeo. Et publicánus a longe stans nolébat nec óculos ad cœlum leváre: sed percutiébat pectus suum, dicens: Deus, propítius esto mihi peccatóri. Dico vobis: descéndit hic justificátus in domum suam ab illo: quia omnis qui se exáltat, humiliábitur: et qui se humíliat, exaltábitur.

At that time, Jesus spoke this parable to some who trusted in themselves as being just and despised others. Two men went up to the temple to pray, the one a Pharisee and the other a publican. The Pharisee stood and began to pray thus within himself: ‘O God, I thank You that I am not like the rest of men, robbers, dishonest, adulterers, or even like this publican. I fast twice a week; I pay tithes of all that I possess.’ But the publican, standing afar off, would not so much as lift up his eyes to heaven, but kept striking his breast, saying, ‘O God, be merciful to me the sinner!’ I tell you, this man went back to his home justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled, and he who humbles himself shall be exalted.

I see no 'new' music this morning at Saint-Eugène, apart from the hymn sung at the procession de sortie, O Marie, ô Mère chérie of Flavien Martineau (he died in 1887; no page in French Wikipedia although there is a biography available at Archive.org), a priest of Saint-Sulpice. But maybe its performance in the past has slipped my mind-- not a difficult thing to happen. The video recording of the Mass at Saint-Eugène.


It remains-- now that it is after six o'clock and daylight outside-- rather overcast. 'Mostly' and 'partly cloudy' all day, according to the mages: hence the predicted high of only 91 degrees. We shall see.

Post Tertiam. Am happy to realise that the annual Assumption Mass of Mater Ecclesiae Church in Berlin, New Jersey, celebrated at Philadelphia's Cathedral Basilica, will feature Ralph Vaugh Williams's Mass in G minor and two motets (Ave Maria and Ave Maris Stella) by Sir James MacMillan, who will conduct the musicians. It is to be livestreamed. 


I hope that the faithful attend in large numbers! Particularly since Cardinal Gregory suppressed the Pontifical Solemn Mass at the Basilica in DC that was to have happened on the Vigil of the Our Lady's Assumption.

The video recording of Vespers from Saint-Eugène.

Ante Vesperas. From midday today through tomorrow, the Indulgence of the Portiuncula is available (and here in English).

It is also the feast of Saint Almeda (6th century), of Saint Peter (16th century), and of Saint Verus (4th century).

V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias.

