A lovely Dawn although the clouds have flown away...

At the prospect of mid-90s+ heat later on. I console myself with the thought that perhaps this evening a thunderstorm will form; they do, perhaps twice a season. It is the feast of Saint Lawrence, Archdeacon of Rome and Martyr (Introibo, CE, Wiki). The Mass is Confessio et pulchritudo in conspectu eius.

Ant. ad Introitum. Ps. 95, 6.

Conféssio et pulchritúdo in conspéctu eius : sánctitas et magnificéntia in sanctificatióne eius. La louange et la beauté sont en sa présence : la sainteté et la magnificence dans le lieu de sa sanctification.

Ps. ibid., 1.

Cantáte Dómino cánticum novum : cantáte Dómino, omnis terra.

The Polish composer Mikołaj Zieleński included today's Offertory in his Offertoria Totius Anni of 1611. It won't embed but is here at YouTube; the text is, again, Psalm 95, verse 6.

Ant. Beátus Lauréntius dixit: Mea nox obscúrum non habet, sed ómnia in luce claréscunt.

Beatus Laurentius is the 3rd antiphon in the 2nd nocturn at Matins.

From the good folks at Neumz; they are highlighting the Alleluia.

Allelúia, allelúia. V/. Levíta Lauréntius bonum opus operátus est : qui per signum crucis cœcos illuminávit. Allelúia.

The alleluiatic verse alludes to the miraculous healing of the blind man Crescentius by St Lawrence. While the deacon of Rome was dispersing Church goods, Crescentius asked for healing by the laying on of hands. The holy deacon made the Sign of the Cross over him and the man began to see.

As for the alleluia chant, the melody is modelled on the Alleluia Laetabitur Justus. In the verse, we note that the emphasis is on bonum opus operatus est (has accomplished this good work), an accent of fervour that underlines the magnificence of St. Lawrence and develops on the high notes of opus and operatus in the happiest way. On the word crucis, at the beginning of the second phrase, the melody unfolds in the same ardent atmosphere. In the manuscript tradition, this song had a longer text: et thesauros Ecclesiae dedit pauperibus (and gave the treasures of the Church to the poor) in reference to the action that earned him martyrdom.

Let us see if YT favors us with a recording of this (the recording of the Jouques nuns' chant isn't embeddable here); no, evidently. Well, this isn't the Alleluia but is an antiphon with the same text, from the Responsory (I presume) after the 1st lesson at Matins. 

Ante Vesperas. We are to be required again, by her Magnificence the Governor, to wear masks indoors of public places, from Wednesday perhaps. Tsk. At least I didn't do last week what almost I did i.e. throw away my supply of them. 

It is also the feast of Saint Erik (13th century), of Saint Bessus (3rd century), and of Saint Geraint (6th century). 

V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias.

