Was overcast an hour ago...

As Dawn was rising but it seems to be clearing up now-- the little white clouds against the deep blue of the eastern sky are lovely. The mages say it is to be overcast all day more or less and cooler: we shall see. It is the feast of the Martyr Saint Pantaleon (Introibo, CE, Wiki); it has always, from 1570, been a feast simplex and the Mass, Laetabitur justus in Domino, is from the Common of Martyrs, notwithstanding the fact that Saint Pantaleon, who was a physician, is numbered among the Fourteen Holy Helpers.

Post Primam. The skies are overcast again, which is wonderful insofar as it suggests a not-so-high temperature later on. Last load of the week's laundry into the dryer, and time to make coffee; then back to Dr Cressac's Charpentier with intervals of one or another of the crime novels sitting on my desk i.e. in the Kindle library. H 23, a Salve Regina, I believe.

It is also the feast of Saint Hugh of Lincoln (13th century), of Pope Saint Celestinus I (5th century), and of Saint Galattorius (6th century).

V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias.

