"Post illum sacrosánctum Dómini natális diem, nullíus hóminum nativitátem...

"... (L)égimus celebrári, nisi solíus beáti Joánnis Baptístæ." As Saint Augustine said, while we celebrate the most holy Nativity of Our Lord, we don't do this for any other man except for the blessed John the Baptist. The Mass of the feast of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist is De ventre matris meæ (Introibo, CE [the feast is discussed at the end of Fr Souvay's article], Wiki).

I contemplated burning some scraps of wood in the back yard last night but decided that such a feeble attempt at a bonfire would be rather pathetic than symbolic so didn't do it. The Gradual and Alleluia.

The temperature is predicted to rise to 90 degrees later on and the 'excessive heat watch' remains unchanged from yesterday, alas. I think it is too early in the Summer to worry about fires-- it certainly is too early to be having 100 degree days, which are threatened for the weekend. The antiphona ad Offertorium.

Ante Sextam. Am returned from my visit to Dr Murison's office; 2.5 hours altogether (including the waiting and travel time) isn't terrible for such an event. As I was waiting for the car to bring me back here I realized that at Saint-Eugène the Mass for Saint John's Nativity is indeed being streamed; P. Thomas SJ was at the Consecration when I got the laptop up and running. The program is here

The troped Introit is lovely, beginning at 04:40ish. although the recording is a bit tricky in a couple of places. The Schola has sung troped Kyries before but I don't recall that they've sung such an Introit. With the Kyrie it is easier to distinguish between the Kyrie proper and its elaborations, I think. They are singing Henry du Mont's Messe royale du sixième ton, which I've grown to like; the rhythm occasionally recalls choppy waves at sea but I suspect that is just me. The hymn Ut queant laxis is sung during the incensation at the Offertory (52:29), according to the 'italien ton', which I'm ignorant about. I must attend to the Office.

Post Sextam. The Communion antiphon with the Benedictus, sung in faux-bourdon according to the usage of Paris in 1739, was also lovely. The antiphona ad Communionem from the Roman Graduale.

O nimis felix, the concluding third part of Ut queant laxis that is sung at Lauds, was the recessional, sung according to 'the plain-chant of Coutances', which I preferred to the italien ton

And from the folks at Neumz, a video describing Guido of Arezzo's innovations.

It is the feast of Saints Orentius, Eros, and their Brothers (4th century), of Saint Simplicius of Autun (4th century), and of Saint Lupicinus (6th century). 

V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias.

