It felt as if I was wading into a warm pool of water when I went out...
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For the morning walk earlier (the 'short' one, eight-tenths of a mile more or less); 63 degrees. The weather mages have revised their predictions for today and tomorrow-- 100 and 110. Eh. It is the feast of the Martyrs Saint John and Paul (Introibo, CE, Wiki) and the third day in the Octave of Saint John. Usually when it happens I neglect to note this, but Saints John and Paul are named in the Canon Romanus. The Introit Multæ tribulatiónes iustórum is included in the recording infra, beginning at 14:04. I don't know if it is of a Mass or of an Anglican or some other variety of service; am not watching beyond a few seconds of it, at least not at the moment-- it is the "memorial" that made me wonder.
It is the feast of the Blessed Martyrs of Arras, four Daughters of Charity guillotined on 26 June 1794 by the creatures of the Revolution, beatified by Pope Benedict XV on 13 June 1920. The Gradual of today's Mass is Ecce, quam bonum et quam iucundum-- I know Ensemble Organum so I selected this recording; the Alleluia following is Hæc est vera fratérnitas, quæ vicit mundi crímina; there is a recording from Solesmes here-- this is one of those times when YT doesn't permit embedding. I guess.
The antiphona ad Offertorium is Gloriabuntur in te omnes. Can't find a recording of the plainchant but Mikołaj Zieleński's polyphonic version from the early 17th century is here (again, it seems to be unembeddable). I realize I've seen the name before but know nothing much about him (Wikipedia, English and Polish).
The Communion antiphon is Et si coram homínibus torménta passi sunt.
I do wonder if people intend not to allow embedding of their videos (there must be some times anyway when this is the case) or if they've just failed to push the right buttons-- if I did videos etc there would be a great lot of unpushed buttons. User error, over and over again. Time for Prime.
Post Sextam. Am listening again to the Saturday recital from Żelazowa Wola, featuring the pianist Marcin Wieczorek. The Etudes op 10 n 12 and op 25 n 5, the op 62 n 2 Nocturne, the Mazurkas op 56 nn 1 and 2, and then the Scherzo op 31. An invigorating pleasure as the temperature reaches 90 before noon. I watch as well as listen, at least until the pianists', well, musicians', facial antics become too distracting; Wieczorek does well enough avoiding 'antics' but I noticed that he appears to shave his forearms, which once seen can't be unseen. Can't say that I had ever noticed a pianist to do such a thing; and of course, not having made an intense study of the norm in this perhaps it is my imagination, the shaving. God help us, people do such odd things to their bodies in these latter days. Having ventured to look about online ('Hair Loss Experts'), there appear to be all sorts of reasons for elsewhere than on the head 'baldness' .
Post Vesperas. It got to 101 here, but is only 99 now, ha. Two more days, although Monday is predicted to be a bit cooler. Sigh.
It is also the feast of Saint Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer (20th century), of Saint Rudolphus (11th century), and of Saint Deodatus of Nola (5th century).
V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias.
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