After the Night Office, now to follow...

Holy Mass from Saint-Eugène. It is the 4th Sunday post Pentecosten but at Saint-Eugène they are celebrating the feast of Saint Cecilia and the 20th anniversary of the Schola Sainte Cécile (and the 6th of Canon Guelfucci's tenure as pastor), 'the external solemnity', as it were, postponed from last fall. The program of the Mass is here. A second choir (Choeur Lux Amoris) is present and two serpents and five sackbuts and eight violins, four violas (I presume that is what the four altos are), two cellos, a trumpet and a cornet à bouquin. Now the Gloria of Marc-Antoine Charpentier's Messe à quatre choeurs H 4, sung from four galleries in fact. It is quite splendid. 

An organ voluntary before Canon Guelfucci's homilising, now ongoing. After, Louis Couperin's Pièce de viole in D minor performed on the organ and a serpent. The Credo is a lovely composition; there was a tricky passage or two. 

The video recording of the Mass.

The Agnus Dei was splendid. It's now about 0400, sigh. Lambert Pietkin's Benedicam Dominum has 'grown on me' over the last couple of weeks. The Domine salvam fac Galliam is the last part of Charpentier's Messe. No idea if Charpentier considered it 'part' of the Messe or not.

I don't often enough note Dr Radovondrahety's most excellent artistry at the organ but his playing adds immeasurably to the beauty and solemnity of the rites at Saint-Eugène. It is 0440, and Dawn has broken. A snippet of William Byrd's Ave verum corpus sung by the Choeur Lux Amoris.


Post Vesperas. And the video recording of Vespers.

It is the feast of Saint Elida of Ohren (8th century), of Saint Bainus of Thérouanne (7th century), and of Saint Giovanni of Matera (12th century). 

V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias.

