A perfectly clear sky and a beautiful morning...

Consequently, although Dawn was perforce rather plain. Today is the Octave of the feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Our Lord (Introibo) and also Saint Ephraem (Introibo, CE, Wiki); his feast in the Pauline Rite is on June 9th-- why I was going on about him then, who knows. Saints Marcus and Marcellianus (Introibo, CE, Wiki) are commemorated. 

I must now take the fish out of the oven (for sandwiches, later on); I turned the alarm off two or three minutes ago, ahem. Cremated a pan of brownies on Monday-- turned the alarm off and proceeded not to think of the poor things for almost an hour. Then time for Terce. Five minutes ago; the fish is... crunchy but certainly unburnt and therefore edible.

Post Vesperas. Have been alternating between Dr Ahmari's Unbroken Thread and a couple of Michel Houellebecq's essays collected in Interventions 2020I'm normal, a normal writer and Donald Trump is a good president. I recall making my way through a paragraph or so of the latter before being arrested by the paywall of whatever newspaper it first appeared in, Le Figaro, presumably. A splendid Friday, although it's 81 degrees and so too hot.

It is the feast of Saint Amandus (5th century), of Saint Elizabeth (12th century), and of Saint Marina (8th century). 

V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias.

