Another beautiful Dawn...

Raising the expectation that we will enjoy another sunny day in the 60s-- Spring, for real. I slept like the dead yet again and so wasn't up for Matins and Lauds until almost 0400; 'tis now, after Prime, about 0640. Have already had a moment or two of anger, I suppose I must admit it, although it really was a moment and the blood didn't at all boil-- it scarcely heated. The Archdiocese sends out a liturgy newsletter once a month; there's always good material in it so long as one can tolerate the fundamentally 'Novus Ordo' perspective that is behind it. Which is perhaps not entirely true, an overstatement, et cetera; am not going to analyze the contents for my purposes here. What did set me off earlier, however, was the assertion that Tenebrae 'is of course not part of the official liturgy' or words to that effect. It is 'part of the official liturgy'-- it's not only if one doesn't conceive the Traditional Rite, even as it exists in the form of the 1960/1962 Missal and Calendar and so forth, as 'really the official liturgy'. Tsk. I am writing a letter to the Lord Archbishop with a copy to Monsignor N. who runs the Liturgy Office later. Tsk, and pft. It is the Tuesday in the 2nd week of Lent, and Holy Mass will be streamed from Saint-Eugène at the usual hour, 1000.

Post Vesperas. I spent two frustrating hours assembling the new chair from Amazon Basics; more precisely, I assembled 90% of it in twenty minutes only for the other 10% to require more or less 90. Earlier, after None, I bought Amtrak tickets for my journey to and from Portland for the Sacred Triduum ($44 round trip is an excellent deal, I think) and booked a room in a lovely old Victorian house for the five nights I'll be up there. I wasted fifteen dollars on account of my confusion about the dates involved, tsk (I had to add on the last night after the original transaction had been done, tsk.)  Now of course it remains to be seen what the schedules at Holy Rosary Church and Saint Stephen's Church will look like. 

It is the birthday of Eugenio Pacelli, Pius XII, and also the anniversary of his election to the Chair of Saint Peter. I hope Purgatory was or is not too terrible-- tsk, my snide comment on his liturgical nonsense. Requiescat in pace.

It is also the feast of Saint Agnes (13th century), of Saint Chad (7th century), and of Saint Lorgio (4th century?).

V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.

R. Deo grátias.

