Rain showers before and during Mass...

But I didn't get drenched on the way back... because I cheated and took a cab. I can ill afford it, and certainly not each time I go downtown (or, worse, downtown and back): on the limited income it is $12 not spent on books or music or, I suppose, clothes or tea. My three trips to the dentist's office in November did, however, equip me with toothbrushes, floss, and toothpaste until the end of the year-- and there are a couple this month, too. 

I missed Vespers from Saint-Eugène, too-- I really miss being able to get to the (now suppressed) 0730 Mass at Saint Mary's-- but I ought to be able to add that here now.


Wanted also to notice the sequence Regnantem sempiterna of Notker Balbulus, the stammerer, of the Abbey of Saint Gall, that the Schola Sainte-Cécile sang during the Communion. It is proper to the Second Sunday of Advent in the historical rite of Paris. (It is also notable that the first genuine sequence of Adam of Saint-Victor that survives is for Christmas; this perhaps having to do with the late adoption of the Advent season in many places.)

Regnántem sempitérna
Per sæcla susceptúra
Cóncio, devóte cóncrepa:
Fáctóri reddéndo débita:
Quem júbilant ágmina cœlica, 
éjus vúltu exhilaráta:
Quem exspéctant ómnia térrea, 
éjus nútu examinánda
Distríctum ad judícia:
Cleméntem in poténtia.
Túa nos sálva, Chríste, cleméntia,
propter quos pássus es díra.
Ad póli ástra súbleva nítida, 
qui sórde térgis sæcula.
Influe sálus véra, effuga perícula.
Omnia ut sint munda tríbue pacífica:
Ut hic túa sálvi misericórdia,
Læti régna post adeámus súpera:
Quo régnas sæcula per infiníta. Amen.

O congregation of the faithful, applaud with feeling the King whom you are about to receive: He reigns for ages, eternally! Give to your Creator what you owe Him: for Him the heavenly hosts rejoice, illuminated by His Face. All on earth await Him, destined for His judgment. Severe is His justice, but gentle is His power.

O Christ, save us in Thy great clemency: it is for us that Thou hast suffered such torments! Take us to the sparkling stars, Thou who hast purified the world of its mire! True Salvation, come down and put perils to flight! So that the whole world is pure, grant us peace! Command that, as we are saved here below by Thy mercy, we may enter together Thy Kingdom on high, O Thou who reignest world without end. Amen.


I'm trying to put the right fonts where I want them and I'll be d....d before I re-format the d... sequence yet again. Tsk.

This afternoon, at 1400, the Oregon Bach Festival (that is where we go to listen) is presenting Richard Danielpour's An American Mosaic, fifteen 'piano miniatures' (and also "an array of accompanying Bach works"; yes, those are quotation marks) performed by Simone Dinnerstein. I'll listen but don't have hyper-inflated hopes for the composition-- Miss Dinnerstein is a fine pianist of course-- but one never knows. There is this from the Eugene Weekly in late October. The World Concert Hall website has linked to this livestreamed performance which is the first time I've seen Eugene mentioned there. 

And now I will finally get to the Fridiay Miscellanea at Dr Townsend's The Music Salon. Eheu mihi, he has had the plague, tsk.


