Oxford Lieder Festival recitals are available...

Online until midnight on Sunday-- so today's task is to review the performances and decide what I want to subscribe to. The Berlin Philharmonic on Saturday is giving Strauss's Metamorphoses, Shostakovich's Symphony no 9, and a work I'm entirely unfamiliar with (I suppose I've decided that that phrase reflects less badly on my ignorance than 'I've never heard of...') called Sabina, by Andrew Norman-- but I don't know that there is any other music I am going out of my way to hear this weekend; haven't looked at the World Concert Hall site yet this morning, though.

It appears to be an often played music of eight minutes-- for violin, or cello, or viola. Time for Prime.

I wonder if it isn't a tic at New Blogger, what appears to me to be the random change of text into the largest font. It is irritating; I try to catch the instances of its happening but if I don't, please be assured that I am not purposefully manipulating the text size for 'artistic effect'.

Was quite happy with Old Blogger.

That was purposeful.

Post Primam. Tsk, the Islamist murders in the Basilica of Saint Mary in Nice. I want to exclaim, 'what is the world coming to?'-- but of course I and many already know the answer to that.  

Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis. Requiescant in pace. 


I notice that there's a concert of the Warsaw Philharmonic later on, livestreamed on Polish Radio: Beethoven, Schubert, a bit of Brahms, and then Milosz Magin's Concerto no 3 for piano, string orchestra, and timpani, with which I'm absolutely unfamiliar: I don't believe I've seen the composer's name. 

And I note that the Danish evidently celebrate All Saints on Saturday, which is properly the Vigil of the feast, with the feast of All Souls being celebrated on the following day, November 2. 

During All Saints’ Day, there is time to remember those who have left us. We light candles and are reminded that life is not forever, and that the loss may be great.

In any event, the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra is livestreaming a concert on Saturday, featuring Mahler, Haydn, Beethoven, Pergolesi, and others. It looks to be a lovely concert-- beginning at 0700 here, so far as I can tell. In fact not in conflict with the Berlin Philharmonic concert but only with my routine, eh. Normally that is Prime, breakfast, news-reading, Terce, nonsense here etc. I suppose I will adjust my spatiamentum, abandon any shopping, and breakfast early or late, depending. Prime and Terce will have to be gotten through before 0700. 

The one Steller's jay has realised it can perch on the edge of the open window, affording it a view of all the peanuts 'staged', as it were, but not yet moved out from behind the window into the sill, if that makes any sense. Will be interested to see if it progresses beyond seeing to reaching its head around and taking. 

Saw this video at Rorate Caeli: the tolling of le glas, the death knell, at four French churches. I've never uploaded a video from my laptop, so we shall see if this works.

The French government is forbidding public worship in the churches again, from Monday onward. So while French Catholics will be able to hear Mass on the feast of All Saints on Sunday, one of the principal feasts of the liturgical year, attendance at Mass on the annual Commemoration of All Souls, Monday, has become impossible. This time around there will be open defiance of the secularist State in places, I believe. 

Subscribed to both Matt Taibbi and Glenn Greenwald on Substack this afternoon. It remains to be seen of course for how long our relationship lasts. 

