Our Lady has been given three new titles...

In her litany, called the Litany of Loreto. Cardinal Sarah has sent a letter (using the proper language of the Roman Church-- I have to imagine that the Sovereign Pontiff didn't particularly care about the form, however graciously he was besought to command this) to the Bishops announcing the addition of Mater misericordiae (after the present invocation Mater ecclesiae), Mater spei (after Mater divinae gratiae), and Solacium migrantium (after Refugium peccatorum). I expect that there will be whining and grumbling but I don't see how any of it can be at all justified. Later, after None. The criticism is, on the one hand, to do with the politics of the Holy See in Franciscus's reign, and, on the other, 'it ought to have been my preferred invocation'. There is only so much time in the day and I have not enough to spend on either of those.

Also, I notice that I am supposed to be saying the Office of the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady today, which I have not been (I've been following the Office of Our Lady on Saturdays). Last thing I knew, this feast is celebrated at the end of the Assumption Octave; the change happened at some point after 1962. It was moved to today (i.e. the day following the feast of the Sacred Heart) in 1969 by Paulus VI, hence this change is not present in the 1962 Missal.

Hmm. Now, to the livestream from Warrington-- if it happens. It is. But the Mass of the Most Pure Heart is being said (i.e. since in the 1962 rite the feast of the Immaculate Heart had not been moved to today).

Later, after None. The inestimably wise and helpful Fr Hunwicke published this today, which is a splendid exposition of why we worship Our Lord's Sacred Heart and hold Our Lady's in such veneration.

... This entire way of speaking, far from being a piece of sickly Southern-European sentimentality, is rooted from beginning to end in the Scriptures both of the Old and of the New Testaments. But this devotion did not generally arise as an academic response to Biblical texts and themes. The religious and the mediterranean peasants and priests among whom these usages flowered, were simply, instinctively, naturally, organically and healthily nurtured by the Christian and Biblical tradition. And the fact that their devotion is so congruous with Biblical themes is a pretty obvious guarantee of the wholesomeness of their religion....

