That I believe there is a lesson here for the US Bishops...

Is no great secret; indeed, more than one. Am going to quote this paragraph from the French site Liberté Politique and leave it at that.

Nous remercions vigoureusement tous ceux qui ont eu le courage de déposer ces référés-libertés. Un certain nombre d’associations et d’instituts comme la Fraternité Sacerdotale Saint-Pierre, l’institut Civitas ou le Parti Chrétien Démocrate – la liste n’est pas exhaustive – sont montés à l’assaut. Des démarches avaient été effectuées auprès d’un certain nombre d’évêques pour obtenir leur engagement, mais comme on ne pouvait malheureusement que trop s’y attendre, ils ont systématiquement décliné la proposition. Ces institutions ont été les seules à se sentir concernées par la restriction dramatique de la liberté de culte, aux côtés de courageux particuliers, comme ces fidèles de la paroisse Saint-Bernard à Metz, qui ne pouvaient se satisfaire du mutisme poli de leur hiérarchie.

We would like to enthusiastically thank all those who had the courage to [make this appeal at the Conseil d'Etat]. A number of associations and institutes such as the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, the Civitas Institute, the Christian Democratic Party-- the list is not complete-- took up up the challenge. A certain number of bishops were approached to obtain their participation, but unfortunately, as we have unhappily come to expect, they [following each of them the Conference's lead] declined the proposal. These institutions were the only ones to feel sufficiently concerned by the dramatic restriction of freedom of worship to act, at the side of courageous individuals, such as the faithful in the parish of Saint-Bernard in Metz, who could not be satisfied with the polite mutisme of their hierarchy.

'Political silence', is mutisme-- we know very well that the excellentissimi ac reverendissimi domini can speak at great length-- or 'affected inability to address the question at hand'.

